
Teaching ideas and resources on the topic of Data

btec a level cambridge national technical ocr edexcel aqa practical key stage 3 key stage 4 core pe

Scaling Factors Explained by

This is a short video that explains how scaling factors work now that the exam boards aren’t using UMS conversions to regulate the weighting across each unit delivered More info Visit pupil-progress f...Read More

An exam analysis & break down of the #GCSEPE #EdexcelPE exams @Mr_JWN

An exam analysis & break down of the #GCSEPE #EdexcelPE exams that students have just sat, some very interesting aspects in relation to which topics students were assessed on @MrWakefield11 @Plane...Read More

Create Student Reports From Your Class Tracker from @MrAdamPE

Throughout my teaching career, I have always enjoyed looking for ways that technology can help me to work smarter, not harder. While I was at college I studied AS ICT and I do believe this gave me the...Read More

BTEC Tracker Spreadsheet – Traffic Light System

You will find below one example of a tracking and monitoring tool used for BTEC, but could be adapted to other course units.  The tracker is simplistic in design, and easy to amend or adapt.  Unit poi...Read More