Meaningful Experiences in PE: Guiding Principles – Guiding Principles of Meaningful PE Movement has the potential to enrich human existence and Physical Education can be a site that contributes ...Read More
New uploads to by Nicholas Austin /Core PE Curriculum (1).docx (22 KB) /KS3 Roadmap (1).pptx (52 KB) /ks4 curriculum signpost (1).pptx (374 KB) Visit the @PE4Learning Community Drive ...Read More
Mr Murton’s Resource Drive Click this link to access all of Mr Murton’s uploads to his personal PE4Learning User Folder Interactive Fitness Videos
Welcome to ZigZag Education! Here you will find everything you need to explore the field of Physical Education and Sport! Navigate the page below to find resources for the following courses: Order For...Read More
On the channel @Planet_PE look at GCSE PE and BTEC Sport content. Please subscribe to ensure you don’t miss any content follow me @planet_pe on twitter Click the image to download
If you’re a coach/parent looking for activities for your players/children to complete during the lockdown, this is a FREE resource that enables players to create their very own FIFA inspired player pr...Read More
Download the PE Train KS1 EYFS Home PE Pack here
Muscular Fitness Activity Delivery During Physical Education In The UK: A Teachers Perspective. Welcome to the PE Teacher EmPOWERment (PETE) survey Hello, my name is Ash Cox and I am a PhD candidate a...Read More
Background GCSE Simplified was set up to simplify the exam content of the new generation of linear exam qualifications. The sole purpose is to make it easier for students to revise and most importantl...Read More
New uploads to @PE4Learning by mward87 /@MrWardPE Sport Studies – R052 LO4 PP.pptx (5 MB) Visit the @PE4Learning Community Drive to download. #pegeeks #physed
The Youth Sport Trust is a children’s charity working to ensure every child enjoys the life-changing benefits that come from play and sport. We have more than 20 years of expertise in pioneering...Read More
At the University of Birmingham, we are currently completing a study exploring the role of social media in health during COVID-19. This involves the completion of a survey (10-15 mins) and is for stud...Read More
Inspirational tweets showcasing creative ways to map a curriculum or course in Physical Education. Templates available from various resource outlets as well as featuring in the PE4Learning Community D...Read More
The Association is pleased to share its newly updated Health Position Paper, authored on behalf of afPE by Dr Jo Harris from Loughborough University.
I hope you find this complication post useful when searching for inspiration when setting home learning tasks for your students. Apologies if I have missed any and I must credit all of those who have ...Read More
Established 25 years ago by a PE teacher, Activ4 School Tours is a family run company with the client at the heart of our business. We see the value in taking pupils beyond the classroom and offer bes...Read More
Are you a motivated and empathetic person? Do you want to make a difference in someone’s career? Are you looking for your latest challenge? Do you have 2 hours a month to spare for 4 months? If so, ha...Read More
This website is available to all students who are studying OCR GCSE Physical Education, to help aid you with your revision and provide support during your GCSE’s. @C_PettiforPE User Folder
THE TEACH MEET FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS, BY PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS. WANT TO GET INVOLVED? We are now in the process of selecting our KeyNote, KeyNote PE, and TeachMeet session leaders. Spe...Read More
Preparing for a deep dive in Physical Education – Notes Below are a number of key points, notes, and questions from people who have experienced a PE deep dive in PE recently. ...Read More
Welcome to ZigZag Education! Here you will find everything you need to explore the field of Physical Education and Sport! Order Form Plan, Teach and Assess. We’ve worked with teachers, examiners and s...Read More
FREE real PE and real gym Lesson Plans Jasmine is the new primary PE digital platform which supports teachers and pupils in their real PE and real gym lessons and has been developed by Create Develo...Read More
Working in a school that prides itself of values has enabled me over the last couple of years to embed clear values within the P.E curriculum and into individual lessons. Each week the school has a sp...Read More
ME in PE Over the last few years I have been inspired by theYST and the PE community to create and adapt ideas taken from twitter to create my version of a ‘ME in PE’ approach to assessmen...Read More
Our certificated webinars are a great way to accesshigh-quality CPD for free when you are pushed for time.Interleaving – Delivering your course for maximum impactThursday 20th June 2019 | ...Read More
On, people everywhere are starting campaigns, mobilising supporters, and working with decision makers to drive solutions. View more petitions from other organisations and governments here
All petitions relating to PE 18 results as of May 2019 Make PE a core subject from KS1-KS5 with a minimum of 2hrs allocated weekly16,134 signatures Reinstate sailing and windsurfing to A level an...Read More
All petitions relating to Sport 184 results as of May 2019 Change the law to ban the resale of tickets for more than their face value23,296 signatures, now closed Make PE a core subject from KS1-...Read More
All petitions relating to the topic of Physical Education 27 results as of June 2019 New independent complaints & monitoring body for schools & local authorities2,736 signatures, now clos...Read More
PE should be a mandatory core part of the curriculum in all schools not just a recommendation. Exercise is associated with both physical and mental well-being. Given the increase in childhood obe...Read More
Surely, we have all heard the saying “An image is worth a thousand words”. Although it is easy to see how this is the case in the news, what about education? Do images make it easier for pupils to und...Read More
Background GCSE Simplified was set up to simplifiy the exam content of the new generation of linear exam qualifications. The sole purpose is to make it easier for students to revise and most important...Read More
Do you have an idea you would like to share with the world? Proposals now being accepted for the @Chargedupedu Online Conference. Share your idea with 1000s of practitioners. Submit your proposal here...Read More
During my teacher training I had always had an interest in time management. If you did not find learning about padagogy, lesson planning and behaviour management techniques difficult then discovering ...Read More
Seneca Learning has been extremely successful this year. Since its launch in March, over 180,000 teachers and students have signed up to the free GCSE courses. The feedback received from Year 11 pupil...Read More
Download the free ‘Definitions Poster’ ??? #PhysicalEducation ? #SchoolSport??♀️ #PhysicalActivity — Association for PE (@afPE_PE) July 28, 20...Read More
About This Show A weekly podcast discussing and debating the structures, practices, technologies, and values of the greatest classroom on planet earth in the 21st Century: Classroom 21. Join your host...Read More
Successfully completing your teacher training no matter which path you took is an incredible feeling but it is topped by securing your first teaching post. At this point the excitement of starting yo...Read More
Gallery What is Seneca? A free Accelerated Learning System based on Neuroscience Seneca uses cognitive neuroscience to create an effective and engaging learning system that boosts memory and understan...Read More
Newest addition of QR code praise postcard, Qr code isn’t linked.Comments? @PEgeeks @davidfawcett27 @CutterVolante13 — Sean Proctor (@SeanProctor4) October 2, 2013
Adapted ? shared at aqa gcse PE prep event to engage in AO’s. Random topic/key term on white board. Ss in small group spins and verbally give answer to the level the spinner lands. Ss in group feedbac...Read More
Flipped Learning Model Best Practice – Video CPD Free webinar recording of James Simms CPD session on Flipped Learning Model Best Practice. Flipped Learning Model Best Practice from James...Read More
5 Reasons Why Gratitude is so Important to Have in Your Life and as a Teacher With gratitude, there are simply a lot of benefits that we can obtain that can help in our long-term health and wel...Read More
Project based learning in PE – Organic PE @Mat6453 Direct Link – Here. Working with a fellow PESS facilitator Beverley Symonds @beverleysymonds she introduced me to the idea of Organic PE....Read More