Fast Finisher Task Cards from @PE4Learning
What’s the aim? – The aim of the Fast Finisher Task Cards #FFTCards is to stretch those students who complete a task fast or finish their work early. In essence – fill time spent doing nothing with something meaningful, challenging and topic related. [Obviously differentiating the original tasks is very important but there are always those few who despite all the quality planning still finish early. This is just one of many ideas to fill that time in as I am sure you already have extension tasks planned into your lessons]
How do they work? – The cards have a cryptic dingbat to decode which can be very easily created using the website My Rebus. Simply create the image rebus, print screen [button on keyboard] or screen grab [Mac – CMD+Shift+4] and paste it into the template available from PE4Learning [Don’t forget to make a note of the exact answer or you will end up spending time trying to decode the rebus that you created!].
Each card is differentiated in difficulty by the colour of the title and task details below it. A green card looks for a simple key term relating to the topic. An amber one looks for an answer to a true or false question. The red card asks for an extended answer to the decoded question. Students can write their answer on the card or if you would like to reuse them they can always write on a scrap bit of paper or in their booklets.
Fast Finisher Task Cards in use.
Thanks to @TomBrush1982
Fast Finisher Task Cards