FeedForward Feedback- Acting on Feedback to Improve quality of work
How can it be used?
- Half Term Mock Exams – in our department we set mock exams every half term for the three areas on the OCR syllabus for AS and A2. This allows us to assess and track progress across the year and get them used to exam conditions early on
- Marking – we each mark our questions separately (I mark physiology, another colleague marks skill etc) and highlight, comment etc on the student’s answer with a final conclusion and mark written at the end
- Exam Grades and % – this is used to track progression and highlight improvement or a reduction in performance compared to the last mock exam.
- Numbers 10 and 20 – this is to signify that the certain matrix box is more commonly identified in the long mark questions that go with the OCR exams (i.e. 10 mark questions for AS and 20 mark for A2)
- Matrix – the matrix in the middle of the worksheet is what we focus our feedback on when marking the papers and providing feedback so the student then receives their questions back with feedback specific to these areas (e.g. practical examples, subject knowledge, structure, literacy etc)
- FeedForward Feedback Sheet – the student then becomes involved in the process of feedback and identifies what to do it improve and build upon going into their next mock exam. They read their exam questions again, taking note of the feedback and filling in the matrix if the feedback identifies that written communication was poor, by simply colouring that matrix box in or circling it (whatever suits them!). They do this for the three sections, getting them to really take note on what the feedback is and letting them take control of how to put it right.
- FeedForward Matrix Target – the student then reviews their matrix for each section. Say for example, key terminology is coloured in for all three areas, then this will become the focus target to improve upon in the next exam. If it is slightly random then they can look at where they got the lowest mark and find a matrix theme that would improve the mark significantly (teacher students conversation may come in handy here!)
- FeedForward Action Plan – this is where the student chooses to improve upon a certain area or weakness, by mind mapping, repeating the question or a specific action plan chosen by the teacher, or discussed with a partner for peer advice. Specific action targets include re-writing a part of their exam that was poor and improve it, read model answers, studying mark scheme, create a resource etc. Obviously the chosen action plan must address their weak area yet have some element of choice for the student and their preferred learning style. (inspiration for this specific feedback action plan came from this post on revision techniques below:)
- Target From Previous Exam – this is only applicable obviously when the student has completed their first exam, but acts as a reminder for future exams to identify matrix boxes they need to focus on and link all of the mock exams together so that the same mistakes are not made over and over again!