The post provides links to video based blogs and podcasts on areas of interest in physical education and sport pedagogy
PE and Sport VLOGs from @VGoodyear
- VLOG 15: Summer Break
- VlOG 14: Sport and Sport Education
- VLOG 13: TGfU: Moving Beyond Warm Up, Skill, Game
- VLOG 12: Cooperative Learning and TGfU: Run the Gauntlet
- VLOG 11: A models-based approach
- VLOG 10: Student Designed Games
- VLOG 9: Technology: some key considerations
- VLOG 8: Assessing toward the physically active life
- VLOG 7: More than the Distance – STAD in Athletics
- VLOG 6: The Transmission of New Practices
- VLOG 5: Going online for professional learning
- VLOG 4: Cooperative Learning in PE
- VLOG 3: What would your students VLOG about?
- VLOG 2: Challenging tradition: making running fun and educational
- VLOG 1: An Introduction
PEPRN Podcast from @DrAshCasey
Click here to follow the PEPRN Podcast – Link
The PEGeek Podcast by @Mrrobbo