Everlearner Leaderboard Templates @PE4Learning
New uploads to @PE4Learning by Lee Cairns /Blacon High School PE Department COVID.docx (136 KB) Visit the @PE4Learning Community Drive to download. #pegeeks #physed
ME in PE Over the last few years I have been inspired by theYST and the PE community to create and adapt ideas taken from twitter to create my version of a ‘ME in PE’ approach to assessmen...Read More
HOW and WHAT do you BASELINE in Yr7 PE? We really think there should be more support for STANDARDISING this area. Please leave COMMENTS if you have opinions. A RT would be helpful 🙂@PEInnovators @ando...Read More
Gallery What is Seneca? A free Accelerated Learning System based on Neuroscience Seneca uses cognitive neuroscience to create an effective and engaging learning system that boosts memory and understan...Read More
RE-POST from ThePhysicalEducator.com Here is the Twitter Moment Summary for last night’s #PEChat on Assessment FOR Learning In #PhysEd. So much great information was shared, it was hard to not j...Read More
Throughout my teaching career, I have always enjoyed looking for ways that technology can help me to work smarter, not harder. While I was at college I studied AS ICT and I do believe this gave me the...Read More
Students access the form/assessment on any device and a report is then created for them to use in their own portfolio. Get your FREE template and instructional video in your inbox today https://goo.g...Read More
For use with Extended Diploma in Sport, Diploma in Sport, Diploma in Sport Fitness Services, Foundation Diploma in Sport, Extended Certificate in Sport and Certificate in Sport First teaching from Sep...Read More
PE4Learning Exam Question Mat Link Find out more about the Exam Question Mat #EQMat from PE4Learning here. Downloads This file can be found alongside many others in the ‘resources’ section...Read More
Football Scheme of Work #LanyardLeadership | Available from @TeacherTriangle Helping you create a climate for outstanding, engaging, inspiring, independent and enjoyable learning for all students of a...Read More
Example: Complete Matrix Set a piece of assessed work (e.g. exam question or extended answer) Mark it and provide feedback on the answer hand the #FFFBack sheet out above with marked work Allow the st...Read More
Assessment With and Without Levels – Display Posters Assessment With and Without Levels – Display Posters available to download and add your own criteria to the speech bubbles. Located in...Read More
Assessment without Levels in PE @ImSporticus Blog – Drowningintheshallow This is a draft hypothetical ‘assessment without levels’ model for curriculum PE. It is still at an early stage and many ...Read More
GCSE PE Past Papers GCSE PE Past Papers AQA GCSE PE Past Papers – Direct Link Unit 1 Past Paper 2012 Unit 3 Past Paper 2012 Unit 5 Past Paper 2012 Unit 1 Past Paper 2013 Unit 3 Past Paper 2...Read More
Guest Post by @TomBrush1982 So, what are core tasks? They are tasks that provide both teachers and pupils with an authentic context in which to teach and learn in each unit of work. Core tasks can be ...Read More
What does success look like in Physical Education? by @ImSporticus Perhaps why there are misconceptions about Physical Education is because we can’t universally agree on what success looks like in our...Read More
Below is an example of a resource sheet designed by @PE4Learning to encourage students to ‘Act on Feedback’ from a piece of marked work in various ways. The sheet was originally de...Read More
How do I use it? A – Create a list of essential key topics, terminology or key definitions. B – Create a list of trigger words to structure discussion, but put them in random order so the ...Read More
What’s the aim? The aim is to create a quiz / assessment task using the QuickKey app or desktop browser and then create the question document the students will use when sitting the test. This q...Read More
What are they? The PE Exam Questions Pack is a huge collection of PE4Learning adapted past paper exam questions and mark schemes for the AS and A2 OCR exam board plus others from AQA/Edexcel for GCSE ...Read More
A quick post on a popular topic at the moment with the new term just around the corner. This post aims to spark some thoughts on the topic of baseline testing, multi skills and games for understandin...Read More
@PE4Learning Creation – Draft Pack TWITTER COMMUNITY EXAMPLE AWOL DESIGNS Finally finished ME in PE learning board with inspiration from YST and others. pic.twitter.com/3tL8vAJpoD — Tom Br...Read More
A quick post on a resource I found useful when designing the booklets I use for A Level. Pop the most important questions onto the resource sheet to act as a booklet summary or piece of homework/clas...Read More
Athletics #PCGrid Another fine example of adapting and developing the Progression Check Grid #PCGrid series for Practical Core PE. The Athletics #PCGrid includes score recording, improve technique th...Read More
GCSE PE – Feedforward Feedback Very similar to the A Level FeedForward Feedback strategy although focused on a specific part of a half termly mock exam rather than the whole test [6 mark questio...Read More
Just a quick post I wanted to share on the use of SMORE as a quick and easy sharing tool in the form of a e-Flyer. I recently delivered a CPD session on the ‘Innovation in Revision’ and wa...Read More
Progression Check Grid Overview. A. Place all of the key learning topics from an individual examination PE syllabus unit onto the mat. [E.g. all of the major learning topics/questions covered in Motio...Read More
Practical Core Tasks Given to students in groups who then have the task of independently setting the drill/game up, understand the rules and play the game. How To Use The Cards? students set up and te...Read More