
QR Code Praise Postcard from @SeanProctor4

Newest addition of QR code praise postcard, Qr code isn’t linked.Comments? @PEgeeks @davidfawcett27 @CutterVolante13 — Sean Proctor (@SeanProctor4) October 2, 2013

Using the Vivo reward system; a reflection from a PE viewpoint @jboucher07

An overview. Vivo is a web-based rewards system aimed at improving student engagement and help achievement. The more good things a student does, the greater the quantity and quality of rewards availab...Read More

Finding Praise in PE – @ImSporticus

In a recent post I wrote about the Sutton Trust and Praise, specifically in PE. It was a long, rambling windy post where I finally got to my own practice at the bottom. This was what I thought: 1. Tas...Read More