PE4Learning Premium
As well as access to every @PE4Learning created shop product, you get 100’s more resources exclusive to Premium Members that are not featured in the shop.With an exclusive Premium Members Platform you get fast, uninterrupted access to what you need, when you need it, where you need it. You will also find quick links to PE resource tutorials as well as a showcase of popular Tweets and news articles delivered right to the Premium Members Platform – a one-stop-shop for all things @PE4Learning related.Premium members also get full enrolment into the @PE4Learning Academy with access to every online course and video tutorial lesson to take you or your department on a learning journey through pedagogical practice tips to resource creation and editing masterclasses. Find out more below and become a PE4Learning Premium Member.
Enrollment into the PE4Learning E-Learning Academy
Premium members gain access to PE4Learning Academy online courses and lessons as part of their package. These are online instructional video courses covering a wide range of Physical Education topics. Premium courses published during your membership period will also be included at no extra charge.

In summary, you will have access to:
- All Premium PE4Learning Created Resources
- Access to every Shop Product (Excluding Affiliate)
- Resource Updates via the Members Premium Platform
- Premium Academy Online Courses and Lessons
- Online Teacher Professional Development
Premium Members Resources
Download all of our current premium resources [excluding affiliate] showcased in the site shop to use in your classroom or PE department. These are bespoke resources created by Paul at Some of the premium resources are not featured in the shop and are exclusive to PE4Learning Premium Members only. We don’t limit how many resources you can download each week or month. Simply log in and download whenever you need to!*
Resource Updates
Download and access new premium resources that I make during your membership period. I am always busy making new resources, so keep an eye out for new activity in the Premium Members Group once registered for future releases.**
Extra Premium Membership Benefits
* Access special member-only treats and discounts from PE4Learning affiliates
Payment Options
Payments can be made using Paypal, Credit Card STRIPE, BACS or School Purchase Order.  Account activation takes up to 24 hours once payment is received. These are one-off payments so you will not be tied into a recurring subscription
Terms and Conditions of Sale
All files are fully editable/customisable, contain royalty-free/commercial use media [icons, vector images, pictures, and shapes] and require access to Microsoft PowerPoint [sold separately] or Comic Life [sold separately].
* Excludes affiliate [Affiliate] shop products that are not a PE4Learning original creation.
** By purchasing this product you agree to the updated GDPR compliant terms and conditions and abide by the Creative Commons license below and the Terms and Conditions of PE4Learning.

PE4Learning Premium PE Resources by PE4Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
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