Education Reimagined from The EverLearner & myPEexam

We are really proud to present Education Reimagined, which outlines the vision that we have for education. Education Reimagined clearly sets out our philosophy in a unique, simple and refreshing way and goes into detail about how a classroom teacher can revolutionise the learning experience for young people.

After outlining the factors which we believe have a determining role in a person’s academic success, this document presents a different way of understanding and managing learning, explores the knock-on effect this might have and how changing a single classroom can be a catalyst for change for departments, schools and the wider community.

Education Reimagined is an insightful read, challenging the very core beliefs held by many in education. It will make you think, it might challenge your philosophy, and it might even inspire you to want to affect change in the way you facilitate learning.

A must-read for anyone involved in education.

Read It Here

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Founder of PE4Learning - Sharing Creative PE Ideas and Resources
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