FREE PE Accelerated Learning System from @SenecaLearn | AQA Edexcel OCR

Seneca Learning has been extremely successful this year. Since its launch in March, over 180,000 teachers and students have signed up to the free GCSE courses. The feedback received from Year 11 pupils taking their exams this year has been fabulous, with many of them writing to say how much Seneca’s platform helped.


Seneca Learning is a revision system designed in collaboration with neuroscientists from Oxford, Cambridge and UCL. The online platform contains summaries, notes, videos and hundreds of practise questions. This means that Seneca combines revision guides & quizzes with scientifically proven learning techniques. In an experiment with more than 1,000 students, those using Seneca scored 2x more marks than those using a revision guide.


Seneca covers OCR, Edexcel and AQA specifications and is absolutely FREE!

Here are some of the great testimonials from students.

“I love this website sooo much because I did my GCSE exams and this website literally summarised everything for me and helped me sooooo much and so I am so thankful to you and I will definitely tell my teachers about this as I am doing A-level in September and so I really need this website and I adore it sooo much xx so thank you for everything xx” – Soma


“Hi! I just wanted to say a humongous thank you! Without Seneca I think I may have failed. The algorithm that you guys have created is brilliant. I learn best when I get tested on knowledge, and Seneca did just that! It was also a great way to see my progress and it was very rewarding. I cannot thank you enough! Seneca has also taught me knowledge that was not in the book, and some of it did turn up in the exam!” – Sky


“I’m just writing to say that before I discovered your website I was certain I was going to fail in every subject. It is my last exam tomorrow and just like my previous exams, I am confident that I will achieve high grades due to Seneca and I have recommended your website to my teachers and students in the years below me because it is so beneficial and helpful!” – Rachel


Seneca’s focus during the summer holidays will be in improving the Teacher platform. It will be revamped to feature sophisticated and helpful tools for teachers to track students’ progress and plan their next lessons.


Here are our planned features:

  • Monitor aggregated data of your class’ work
  • Create individual classes
  • Set homework for your classes and monitor their performance on each assignment
  • See individual students’ strengths and weaknesses
  • Compare your classes against national benchmarks


Social Media

Seneca in action


Keep sharing and recommending Seneca to colleagues and students, so the platform can expand to other Key Stages and continue to be free for everyone!

Getting Started Guide

Visit Seneca

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Written by @PE4Learning
Founder of PE4Learning - Sharing Creative PE Ideas and Resources
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