Seen a few ‘Tips’ floating around. So here’s mine – GoogleClassroom 👑
— MrFallick (@MrFallickPE) January 3, 2021
1. Use a G Form for a ‘do now’ task – You can reuse these in school by saving to PDF and printing (Life Safer!)
2. Always create a blank G Doc for students to work on. As most children do not have Microsoft word.
— MrFallick (@MrFallickPE) January 3, 2021
If a student can access G Suite they can use G docs.
This allows you as MOS to review / check and add feedback easily (Use the feedback comment bank here to maximise time)
3. Use Google meet for the live element of your lesson. Just create your meet room for the class in settings.
— MrFallick (@MrFallickPE) January 3, 2021
You just then copy and paste these link into assignments for students to access
This might be for 10/20 mins. Make sure this will add value to your lesson.
4. Clearly package your assignment so students can follow easily.
— MrFallick (@MrFallickPE) January 3, 2021
Include a success criteria and assessment framework.
Example for a type of structure
Do Now – G Form
Task 1
Online Video
Task 2
Video / Live Lesson
Task 3
Recap – G Form
End of Lesson
5. If using a presentation make sure you share as view only!
— MrFallick (@MrFallickPE) January 3, 2021
If you have slides with tasks on make sure you create a copy for everyone.
Students can work on this in real time to you presenting. You can oversee feedback at the end.
6. Invite parents to join the classroom.
— MrFallick (@MrFallickPE) January 3, 2021
Clear lines of communication are so important and if used correctly can be very powerful with supporting students at home.
Don’t over do the notifications though and remember you’re not the only teacher for this student.
7. Never forget to praise and reward excellent effort.
— MrFallick (@MrFallickPE) January 3, 2021
It can be easy to not do this.
Emails to parents, positive points sharing excellent work on the Google classroom for others to see. Sharing with HOD / HOF / SLT
Positivity breeds positivity!
8. Create a folder for all the outstanding work you are sent in to be copied and kept.
— MrFallick (@MrFallickPE) January 3, 2021
This is very useful for modelling and can be used when students are back in school.
You can also use this to moderate work with other colleagues in school.
9. Manage those notifications carefully!
— MrFallick (@MrFallickPE) January 3, 2021
Make it work for you and your students. It can be overwhelming at times the number of emails you get.
10. Working smarter not harder!
— MrFallick (@MrFallickPE) January 3, 2021
You can re-use assignments, documents for other classes. You can set the same tasks for multiple classes at the same time! 👻
Never delete anything from your classroom folder as it can be nightmare to get back!