OCR – GCSE PE REVISION Website from @C_PettiforPE

This website is available to all students who are studying OCR GCSE Physical Education, to help aid you with your revision and provide support during your GCSE’s.

@C_PettiforPE User Folder

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Written by @PE4Learning
Founder of PE4Learning - Sharing Creative PE Ideas and Resources
Have your say!
  1. Hi there, I was just wondering if you had heard anything back from the user yet?

  2. I have contacted the user and awaiting a reply. He is also available to contact directly on Twitter if needed 😉

  3. Hi there, just wondering if you had heard back from the user yet?

  4. Do any of the links work now?

  5. Sadly the link to the website does not work, a real shame as these resources and website were excellent

    • Thank you for your comment. I will get in touch with the user and see if there is a solution 😉

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