Example: Complete Matrix Set a piece of assessed work (e.g. exam question or extended answer) Mark it and provide feedback on the answer hand the #FFFBack sheet out above with marked work Allow the st...Read More
Assessment without Levels in PE @ImSporticus Blog – Drowningintheshallow This is a draft hypothetical ‘assessment without levels’ model for curriculum PE. It is still at an early stage and many ...Read More
Questions before reading… Q – Do you use social media as a CPD tool in your subject? Q – Do you believe social media is often used as a tool for self promotion in the teaching...Read More
GCSE PE Past Papers GCSE PE Past Papers AQA GCSE PE Past Papers – Direct Link Unit 1 Past Paper 2012 Unit 3 Past Paper 2012 Unit 5 Past Paper 2012 Unit 1 Past Paper 2013 Unit 3 Past Paper 2...Read More
PE Challenge No. 8 by @ImSporticus Over 8 weeks, every weekend, I will offer you a challenge for the following week. These challenges will come from other teachers, researchers, academics and coaches ...Read More
PE Challenge No. 7 by @ImSporticus Over 8 weeks, every weekend, I will offer you a challenge for the following week. These challenges will come from other teachers, researchers, academics and coaches ...Read More
Below is an example of a resource sheet designed by @PE4Learning to encourage students to ‘Act on Feedback’ from a piece of marked work in various ways. The sheet was originally de...Read More
PE Challenge 4 by @ImSporticus Over the next 8 weeks, every weekend, I will offer you a challenge for the following week. These challenges will come from other teachers, researchers, academics and coa...Read More
Quick Guide Access the original Topic Tracker subject knowledge MOT sheet here. Basically, the student rates their knowledge and understanding of the specification/assessment criteria from 1 – 5...Read More
How do I use it? A – Create a list of essential key topics, terminology or key definitions. B – Create a list of trigger words to structure discussion, but put them in random order so the ...Read More
In a recent post I wrote about the Sutton Trust and Praise, specifically in PE. It was a long, rambling windy post where I finally got to my own practice at the bottom. This was what I thought: 1. Tas...Read More
What are they? The PE Exam Questions Pack is a huge collection of PE4Learning adapted past paper exam questions and mark schemes for the AS and A2 OCR exam board plus others from AQA/Edexcel for GCSE ...Read More
A quick post on a resource I found useful when designing the booklets I use for A Level. Pop the most important questions onto the resource sheet to act as a booklet summary or piece of homework/clas...Read More
GCSE PE – Feedforward Feedback Very similar to the A Level FeedForward Feedback strategy although focused on a specific part of a half termly mock exam rather than the whole test [6 mark questio...Read More
FeedForward Feedback- Acting on Feedback to Improve quality of work How can it be used? Half Term Mock Exams – in our department we set mock exams every half term for the three areas on the OCR ...Read More